Colorado Emergency Planning Commission

In October 1986, the Federal Superfund and Reauthorization Act (SARA/Title III) which includes the Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know provisions was enacted.  This legislation was in response to several very severe hazardous materials incidents worldwide. It put in place protection measures regarding hazardous materials incidents.

The legislation required that each state appoint a State Emergency Response Commission to implement the act. In Colorado, the Colorado Emergency Planning Commission (CEPC) was formed. It is made up of the following statutorily required members:

Permanent Commission Members

  • Colorado Department of Health and Environment - Hazardous Waste Division
  • Colorado Department of Local Affairs - Division of Local Government
  • Colorado Department of Public Safety - Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
  • Colorado Department of Public Safety - Division of Fire Prevention and Control
  • Colorado Department of Public Safety - Colorado State Patrol

Governor Appointed Members

The following members are appointed by the governor and serve a two-year term from the following areas:

  • Affected industries (Two representatives)
  • Local governments (Two representatives)
  • Public interest or community groups (Two representatives)
  • Local Emergency Planning Committee community (One representative)

The CEPC implemented the act by designating Local Emergency Planning Districts and then requesting nominations from those districts for appointing Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPC). Each LEPC has the charter of implementing the SARA/Title III requirements for their Local Emergency Planning Districts.  These requirements are:

  1. Develop and publish a hazardous material emergency response plan for their area.
  2. Create a Right-to-Know procedure for their district.
  3. Monitor specific yearly hazardous materials reporting requirements.

The CEPC conducts several activities that include the Annual LEPC Conference, training programs and grant programs.  

CEPC Bylaws