Director Kevin Klein

Division Director Kevin Klein

Kevin Klein headshotKevin R. Klein is the director of the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management in the Department of Public Safety and the Governor's designated homeland security advisor.  Klein has been involved in public safety for over 30 years.

He rose through the ranks of a Colorado fire protection district to eventually hold the position of fire chief.  Klein left his position as fire chief to pursue a graduate degree at Harvard University.  After receiving his graduate degree, Klein began a career in consulting for international, state and local public safety agencies.  In 1998, Klein became the executive director of the Colorado State Fire Chiefs’ Association.  In 2006, he was appointed to Colorado Department of Public Safety as the director of the Division of Fire Safety. In 2011 he was appointed director of the Colorado Division of Homeland Security, where he became a Colorado peace officer.  In 2012, the state emergency management responsibilities were added to his portfolio.

Klein has a strong background in working with and coordinating efforts among different levels of government and is well versed in the homeland security and emergency management issues facing the nation.


Division Leadership

  • Deputy Director Jim Burack
  • Office of Emergency Management Director Trevor Denney (Interim)
  • Office of Grants Management Director Michael Haney
  • Office of Public Safety Communications Director Peter Bangas
  • Colorado Information Analysis Center Director Kevin McElyea