CIAC Organization Chart

Colorado Information Analysis Center Overview

The Colorado Information Analysis Center (CIAC) serves as the focal point within the state for receiving, analyzing and sharing threat-related information among the private sector, local, tribal and federal partners. The CIAC includes representatives from all levels of government and that represents a clearinghouse for threat information with a focus on protecting civil rights, civil liberties and privacy concerns. The CIAC also provides situational awareness and a common operating picture and coordinated information collection, analysis, dissemination for the Colorado Department of Public Safety (CDPS).

All-Hazards Threat Analysis Unit 

This analyst unit is responsible for the receipt, review, analysis and dissemination of threat and hazard-related information/intelligence.  The unit produces reports for law enforcement and non-law enforcement personnel for the purpose of information sharing on criminal acts that may be related to acts of terrorism or terrorism threats that may directly affect Colorado. Analysts in this unit focus on the following subject areas:           

  • Marijuana Diversion –  Black Market Threats and Illegal Export
  • Transnational Organized Crime
  • Drug Trafficking Organizations
  • International and Homeland terrorism
  • Gangs/Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs
  • Cyber and Critical Infrastructure
  • Mobile Analytics – Analytical support and Open Source Threat Review at Events
  • Tactical and Strategic Intelligence
  • Monthly classified briefs for cleared partners
  • Suspicious Activity Reports
  • Terrorist Screening Center Hits
  • Fire/EMS Collaboration
  • Threats to Religious Institutions
  • Internship Program
  • Countering Violent Extremism

Watch Center / Safe2Tell

This analyst unit produces consolidated situational awareness information and intelligence during any major incident.  Provides a common operating picture and coordinated information collection, analysis, dissemination for Colorado Department of Public Safety (CDPS) and our state and local leaders and partners on significant incidents affecting Colorado. One-stop-shop for incident information and a robust analytical team, available 24/7, to assist with the search of analytical databases and providing real-time results to local law enforcement and emergency management.

Threat Liaison Officer Program

A Threat Liaison Officer (TLO) is an identified person in a law enforcement, emergency services, military, public health, private sector entity who is responsible for reporting and disseminating suspicious activity and other criminal intelligence information to their local agency and to Colorado Information Analysis Center (CIAC). The TLO is the direct point of contact for the CIAC at the local level and is the key to the two-way flow of information from the TLO’s region to the CIAC. TLO’s collect relevant field intelligence from their area and report this to the CIAC; they are also responsible for disseminating pertinent intelligence information from the CIAC to their own personnel.

State, Local and Federal Partnerships

These partners are co-located in the CIAC in a part-time or full-time capacity:  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), Department of Homeland Security - Office of Intelligence and Analysis (DHS I&A), Department of Corrections (DOC), and Rocky Mountain Information Network (RMIN); Denver OEM.

Organization Chart


Organization Chart