The templates listed below include social media posts and weekly blog templates on national community preparedness campaigns. The templates posted below provide messages for Twitter, Facebook and blogs. The tempates can be downloaded and modified to meet your specific community needs. The templates were created in 2019 and 2018. Please double check links before using on your own sites.
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- May Social Media Workbook
- May Week 1: Water Safety and Preparedness
- May Week 2: Flood Safety and Preparedness Tips
- May Week 3: Flood Insurance What is Covered?
- May Week 4: Mental Health and Coping with Disasters
- May Week 5: Swim with a Buddy
Get Insured Colorado Social Media Campaign
- Get Insured Colorado Social Media Workbook
- Get Insured Colorado: Wildland Fire Property and Financial Preparedness
- Get Insured Colorado: Flood Insurance and What is Covered
- Get Insured Colorado: Hail and No Roof Scams
- Get Insured Colorado: Wind and Tornado Damages
- Get Insured Colorado: Avoiding Insurance Pitfalls and Scams
- June
- June Social Media Workbook
- June Week 1: Pet Preparedness
- June Week 2: Lightning Awareness Week
- June Week 3: Savvy Social Media Surfer
- June Week 4: Celebrate Safely and Smartly this Fourth of July
- July
- July Social Media Campaign
- July Week 1:Unmanned Air System (UAS) - Done Awareness
- July Week 2: Internet Safety
- July Week 3: Campfire Safety
- July Week 4: Heatstroke Prevention
- August
- August Social Media Campaign
- August Week 1:Bear Aware
- August Week 2: National Immunization Awareness Month
- August Week 3:Business Continuity Plan
- August Week 4:Keep Your Head Up
- September
- FEMA:September Social Media Campaign
- September Week 1: Make and Practice Your Plan
- September Week 2: Learn Life Saving Skills
- September Week 3: Check Your Coverage
- September Week 4: Save for an Emergency
- October
- October Social Media Campaign
- October Week 1: Simple Steps to Online Safety
- October Week 2: Cybersecurity in the Workplace is Everyone's Business
- October Week 3 Today's Predictions for Tomorrow\'s Internet
- October Week 4 The Internet Wants You consider a Career in Cybersecruity
- October Week 5 Protecting Critical Infrastructure from Cyber Threats
- November
- November Social Media Campaign
- November Week 1: Colorado Consumer Protection Month
- November Week 2: Colorado Consumer Protection Month: Holiday Online Donations
- November Week 3: Colorado Consumer Protection Month: Black Friday
- November Week 4: Colorado Consumer Protection Month: Cyber Monday
- Resources from Colorado Attorney General\'s Office: Stop Fraud Colorado
- December
- December Social Media Campaign
- December Week 1: Flu Prevention
- December Week 2: Winter Weather Travel Safety
- December Week 3: Wrapping up the Holiday Season
- December Week 4: Resolve to be Ready