The Colorado Academy for Professional Emergency Managers will provide a forum for career emergency managers to exchange ideas for the advancement of statewide programs. The format consists of agency briefings and updates, discussion panels, leadership training opportunities and keynote speakers on current relevant topics in Colorado. The academy will provide networking opportunities with emergency management professionals across the state and culminates with a capstone project. Contact hours and credit for project work will be awarded to be used toward obtaining professional certifications.
- ICS 100, 200, 700, 800
- Professional Development Series (PDS)
Target Audience
The target audience is Colorado career local and tribal emergency managers.
Academy Dates
The academy is offered every two years. Below are the dates scheduled for 2025 to 2026 for the next sessions.
- Session 1: October 21-23, 2025
- Session 2: January 13-15, 2026
- Session 3: March 3-5, 2026
- Session 4: May 12-14, 2026
For more information and details on registration, please read the Colorado Academy for Professional Emergency Managers flyer.