Emergency Management Office


This section contains information on the Office of Emergency Management program areas, including:

The Division's Office of Emergency Management is responsible for the state's comprehensive emergency management program which supports local and state agencies. Activities and services cover the five mission areas of emergency management:

  1. Prevention
  2. Protection
  3. Mitigation
  4. Response
  5. Recovery

The DHSEM supports all hazards and disasters like flooding, tornadoes, wildfire, hazardous materials incidents and acts of terrorism.

Planning and training services to local governments include financial and technical assistance as well training and exercise support. Services are made available through local emergency managers supported by DHSEM staff assigned to specific areas of the state.

SEOC Website for Current State Declared Emergencies

A daily SEOC Status Report is posted to our COEmergency website each day with information related to current incidents receiving support.


State of Colorado Emergency Operations Line

The point of contact for counties to report wildland fires or to request any all-hazard assistance is the State of Colorado Emergency Operations Line at (303) 279-8855.

This number will connect emergency managers with the on-duty Watch Center personnel of the Colorado Department of Public Safety. They will then notify the appropriate DHSEM staff and for a wildfire incident the appropriate Colorado Division of Fire Prevention and Control Fire Management Officer.