Access and Functional Needs

Colorado's Access and Functional Needs (AFN) program leads the development and day to day operations of a statewide network of federal, state, regional and local AFN stakeholders.  The program coordinates direct technical support to state agencies and local jurisdictions in the development of inclusive, whole community emergency operations plans that adequately account for inclusion of people with access and functional needs. This program supports the following areas.

  • Regional and local planners in the development and delivery of emergency preparedness workshops to help people with access and functional needs as well as their families, personal support networks and friends. It helps create or update personal disaster plans that include resource disruptions tied to important resources tied to communication, maintaining health, independence, support services, safety and transportation resources. 
  • Provides recommendations to senior federal and state government officials and the Colorado legislature related to AFN  planning, training and exercises and information-sharing initiatives. 
  • Serves in a senior leadership role for the AFN Subcommittee that is part of the Colorado Homeland Security and All Hazards Senior Advisory Committee.
  • Provides interpretation and implementation instructions on legislative requirements related to access and functional needs in emergency management.
  • Creates, develops, implements, delivers and assesses access and functional needs trainings and exercises.
  • Provides training in Colorado based on community gaps and requests across the five emergency management mission areas to ensure inclusive, whole community practices across the five emergency management mission areas: prevention, protection, mitigation, response and recovery. 
  • Serves as the lead planner and decision maker for the content and delivery of the annual Colorado Access and Functional Needs Conference.
  • Provides pre-disaster support to the Colorado State Emergency Operations Center training and exercise program.


Sadie Martinez, DHSEM Access and Functional Needs Coordinator

Email: sadie.martinez@state.co.us 

Cell:  720-610-1691

Information Flyers