The Homeland Security and All-Hazards Senior Advisory Committee (HSAC) is a 21-member committee established pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute 24-33.5-1614.  The committee was established on June 4, 2012.  The executive director for the Colorado Department of Public Safety is the committee chair.  The Director of the Colorado Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management is the State Homeland Security Advisor.  

Colorado Homeland Security Strategy

The main purpose of the Colorado Homeland Security Strategy (CHSS) to ensure a prepared, safe and resilient Colorado. This document will enhance Colorado’s capabilities in the five mission areas of prevention, protection, mitigation, response and recovery; as well as the four additional functional areas of training and exercise, planning, cybersecurity and preparedness. The CHSS will also guide Colorado’s utilization of grant programs. The strategy implements an integrated and actionable framework that emphasizes the unity of purpose between state, local and federal governmental entities, non-governmental entities, and private sector stakeholders.

Committee Mission

The Homeland Security and All-Hazards Senior Advisory Committee's mission is to assist the state in becoming better able to prevent, protect, mitigate, respond, and recover from those threats and hazards posing greatest risk to Colorado.  

Committee Responsibilities

  • Provide advice and counsel to the State Homeland Security Advisor;
  • Formulate recommendations on the State Homeland Security Strategy;
  • Review grant funding applications; and
  • Provide policy guidance to the new Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management.  

Committee By-Laws