Office of Emergency Management (OEM) Strategic Plan for 2023 to 2026

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Message from OEM Director Mike Willis

I am pleased to present the updated Office of Emergency Management Strategic Plan for years 2023-2026. I am grateful for the time and effort you have put into implementing this plan over the past year and appreciate your efforts to refine it. This plan is divided into two key parts. 

First is our Mission, Vision, and our Key Results. This describes our purpose, how we want to be seen by ourselves and our stakeholders, and the five results we must achieve to be successful. It is why we do the things we do. The next part of the plan codifies our six Strategic Objectives. It describes what we must do to accomplish our Key Results and achieve our mission and vision. Nested under these Strategic Objectives are each of your teams’ Supporting Objectives. These are the items you decided you must achieve in order for us to achieve our Strategic Objectives. Each is written slightly differently, reflecting the diverse approach we’ll take to accomplish our unified objectives. Look carefully not only at your team’s Supporting Objectives, but also at the Supporting Objectives of all the teams and look for opportunities to work across OEM to achieve even greater outcomes. 

During the past year, I have reiterated that this a living, working plan that I expect you to refer to regularly. Instead of it being stashed away, it should have marked up pages and coffee stains as you use it to guide your actions and activities. 

Over the next few years, OEM leaders and team members will change. However, this plan ensures that OEM as an organization maintains the right course to achieve its Key Results and to serve the people of Colorado. 

Download or view the OEM Strategic Plan

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