The resources below are provided to support Colorado communities as they work to support the whole community. Click each folder below to open for additional information.
- Emergency Communication Resources
- General Resources
- How-tos for the Must-dos for Accessible Documents Trainings
- Language Guidelines for Inclusive Emergency Management
- Resources for Communication with People who are Deaf
- Google Suites Accessibility Settings Editor
- Capacity-Building Toolkit for Including Aging & Disability Networks in Emergency Planning
- Public Alerts and Warning Systems Executive Order 13407
- Defining Functional Needs - Updating CMIST By June Isaacson, Kailes Disability Policy Consultant
- Create Accessible Digital Products
- DHS Component Self-Evaluation and Planning Reference Guide
- Effective Preparedness is Inclusive Preparedness: Accessibility in the Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program
- Media Article:3 Ways to Encourage People with Disabilities to be Involved in Leading Disaster Responses
- ADA: Digital Access and Title III of the ADA: An ADA Knowledge Translation Center Research Brief
- Rocky Mountain ADA Center: Accessible Document Reference Guide
- The Little Book of Accessibility
- Universal design of technology - a list of, again, tons of resources
- 20 Tips for Teaching an Accessible Online Course (article)
- 20 Tips for Teaching an Accessible Online Course (video)
- A Tutorial for Making Online Learning Accessible to Students with Disabilities
- Universal Design in Education: An Online Tutorial
- Assistive Technology: info about technologies that help individuals with disabilities use mainstream technologies and enhance their skills
- Resources for Making Distance Learning Accessible
- Sect 508 Training webpage from the GSA
- Microsoft Accessibility Training Essentials
- ADA Compliance for Online Course Design
- DOJ Office of Civil Rights Short Webinar on Online Education and Website Accessibility
- American Sign Language (ASL) Resources from Colorado Commission for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Deafblind
- State Disasters with information on how disasters are declared
- Certified Interpreter Information
- Access and Functional Needs Presentations and Videos
- Presentation: The Storm After the Storm: NCEM C-MIST Advisory Committee
- FEMA PrepTalk: We Succeed or Fail Together
- ADA National Network Learning Session: The Recommendations from the DHS Office of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties (CRCL) after the Disasters of 2017
- Prep Talks: The Unthinkable - Lessons Learned from Survivors
- Integrating Local Cultural Knowledge in all Phases and Sectors to Ensure More Robust, Just, Sustainable Outcomes
- Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, or Nobody? Colorado's Development of a Statewide Access & Functional Needs Program
- Introduction to the Access and Functional Needs Resource Framework in Emergency Management
- Colorado Access and Functional Needs CMIST Resources
- Monthly Newsletter
- Preparedness Resources in ASL and Eight Languages
- Access and Functional Needs Toolkits and Guides
The goal of the Colorado Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHSEM) Access and Functional Needs program is to equip emergency management stakeholders to effectively address CMIST (Communication, Maintain Health, Independence; Safety, Support Services, and Self-Determination, and Transportation) resource disruptions for their whole community throughout the disaster cycle.
You will find toolkits and guides to help as resources to promote and strengthen inclusive, whole-community emergency management planning in Colorado.
- Access and Functional Needs University
To be added
- Communication Resources
- Statewide Communications Resource Map
- This map identifies locations and points of contact for the Access and Functional Needs Program’s communication resources staged throughout the state. Those resources include portable hearing loop kits, portable conferencing systems,and field manager translation kits.
- Portable Hearing Loop Kit FAQ Document
- This document has information for frequently asked questions tied to the portable hearing loop kits including setup, troubleshooting and how to request the resource.
- This document has information for frequently asked questions tied to the portable hearing loop kits including setup, troubleshooting and how to request the resource.
- Statewide Communications Resource Map