Access and Functional Needs Resources

The resources below are provided to support Colorado communities as they work to support the whole community. Click each folder below to open for additional information. 

Emergency Communication Resources
General Resources
Certified Interpreter Information
Access and Functional Needs Presentations and Videos
Colorado Access and Functional Needs CMIST Resources
Monthly Newsletter
Preparedness Resources in ASL and Eight Languages
Access and Functional Needs Toolkits and Guides

The goal of the Colorado Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHSEM) Access and Functional Needs program is to equip emergency management stakeholders to effectively address CMIST (Communication, Maintain Health, Independence; Safety, Support Services, and Self-Determination, and Transportation) resource disruptions for their whole community throughout the disaster cycle. 

You will find toolkits and guides to help as resources to promote and strengthen inclusive, whole-community emergency management planning in Colorado.

Access and Functional Needs University

To be added

Communication Resources
  • Statewide Communications Resource Map 
    • This map identifies locations and points of contact for the Access and Functional Needs Program’s communication resources staged throughout the state. Those resources include portable hearing loop kits, portable conferencing systems,and field manager translation kits.
  • Portable Hearing Loop Kit  FAQ Document
    • This document has information for frequently asked questions tied to the portable hearing loop kits including setup, troubleshooting and how to request the resource.