Press Release

Marshall Fire Information

On December 30, 2021 Governor Jared Polis verbally declared a state of emergency due to a grass fire created by high winds across the Front Range.

Nurses in 911 (NI911) Grant Program Funding Announced

The State of Colorado’s legislature allocated $820,000 for the 2021 Nurses in 911 (NI911) Grant Program.  Four local 911 answering points have been selected to receive funding as directed by SB21-156.  Thank you to all of those who applied for the 2021 NI911.  

Grant Announcement: Nurses in 911 Dispatch (NI911) Grant

The Colorado Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHSEM) announces the availability of funds through the Nurses in 911 (NI911) Pilot Grant Program by the Colorado State Legislature's SB21-156.  The NI911 Program provides funding for Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP) for the use of nurses in 911 dispatch to help divert incoming 911 calls that do not require emergency medical services to other types of medical care.  

DHSEM Announces Hazard Mitigation Grant Opportunities for 2021-2022

Colorado communities have a unique opportunity to reduce their long-term risks from natural hazards with assistance from FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) programs: Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP), Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC), and Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA).

Contact DHSEM

Agency Information
9195 E. Mineral Avenue, Suite 200
Centennial, CO  80112

Main Phone Number: 720-852-6600
Mineral Office Hours of Operation: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

State of Colorado Emergency Operations line: 303-279-8855

Public Information Line: 720-432-2433

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